Archived Codes

While we make recent codes that are under active development available on the main codes page, we list here a number of other codes that may be of interest (some of which are written in Fortran! 😮).

These codes are typically older and not necessarily under active development. Nevertheless, they may still be of use, hence we continue to make then available.

If you use any of the codes in work that results in publication we kindly request that you reference the appropriate code webpage and papers. Thanks and we hope you find these codes useful!


AniCosmo: Bayesian analysis of anisotropic cosmologies

AniCosmo provides functionality to perform a Bayesian analysis of anisotropic cosmologies.

BIANCHI: Bianchi ${VII}_h$ simulations

The BIANCHI code provides functionality to support the simulation of Bianchi Type $\text{VII}_h$ induced temperature fluctuations in …

BIANCHI2: Dark Bianchi ${VII}_h$ simulations

The BIANCHI2 code provides functionality to support the simulation of Bianchi Type $\text{VII}_h$ induced temperature fluctuations in …

COMB: Compact embedded object simulations

COMB provides functionality to support the simulation on the sphere of compact objects embedded in a stochastic background process of …

DarkMappy: Mapping the dark universe

A lightweight python package that implements hybrid sparse-Bayesian dark-matter reconstruction techniques.

FastCSWT: Fast directional continuous spherical wavelet transform

FastCSWT provides functionality to perform a fast directional continuous wavelet transform on the sphere. The transform is based on the …

FLAG: Exact Fourier-Laguerre transform on the ball

FLAG provides a fast implementation of the Fourier-Laguerre transform, a novel 3D transform exploiting an exact quadrature rule on the …

FLAGLET: Exact wavelets on the ball

FLAGLET provides efficient routines for the wavelet analysis of signals on the ball, the space formed by augmenting the sphere with the …

GLaSS: Generalised Lensing and Shear Spectra

The Generalised Lensing and Shear Spectra (GLaSS) code provides functionality to compute spherical Bessel, tomographic and generalised …

harmonic: Learnt harmonic mean estimator for Bayesian model selection

Compute the Bayesian evidence (marginal likelihood) from posterior samples generated by any sampling approach.

LeAI: Learned image reconstruction in astronomy

Reconstruct interferometric observations using learned post-processing and learned unrolled methods.

massmappy: Mapping dark matter on the celestial sphere

massmappy provides functionality to recover convergence mass maps on the celestial sphere from weak lensing cosmic shear observations. …

NSHT: Novel optimal sampling spherical harmonic transforms

NSHT implements a novel sampling scheme to accurately sample a signal band-limited at $L$ in $L^2$ samples. Whereas sampling theorems …

OptimusPrimal: A lightweight primal-dual solver

A lightweight proximal splitting Forward Backward Primal Dual based solver for convex optimization problems.

ProxNest: Proximal nested sampling for high-dimensional Bayesian model selection

Compute the Bayesian evidence for high-dimensional log-convex problems by proximal nested sampling.

PURIFY: Next generation radio interferometric imaging

PURIFY provides functionality to perform radio interferometric imaging, i.e. to recover images from the Fourier measurements taken by …

QuantifAI: Scalable Bayesian uncertainty quantification with data-driven (learned) priors

Scalable Bayesian uncertainty quantification with data-driven (learned) priors for radio interferometric imaging.

RequiSim: Variance weighted overlap measure of the lensing bias

RequiSim computes the variance weighted overlap, which is a measure of the bias on the lensing signal from power spectrum modelling …

S2: Functions on the sphere

The S2 code provides functionality to support functions defined on the sky and was developed primarily for astrophysical applications. …

S2BALL: Differentiable and accelerated wavelets on the ball

S2BALL is a JAX package for computing the scale-discretised wavelet transform on the ball and rotational ball. It leverages autodiff to …

S2DW: Steerable scale discretised wavelets on the sphere

S2DW provides functionality to perform the scale discretised wavelet transform on the sphere. Routines are provided to compute wavelet …

S2FFT: Differentiable and accelerated spherical transforms

S2FFT is a JAX package for computing Fourier transforms on the sphere and rotation group. It leverages autodiff to provide …

S2FIL: Optimal filtering on the sphere

S2FIL provides functionality to support optimal filtering on the sphere. Optimal directional matched (MF) and scale adaptive (SAF) …

S2LET: Fast wavelets on the sphere

S2LET provides efficient routines for fast wavelet analysis of signals on the sphere. It supports both axisymmetric and directional …

S2SCAT: Differentiable and accelerated spherical scattering transforms

S2SCAT is a Python package for computing scattering covariances on the sphere using JAX. It exploits autodiff to provide differentiable …

S2WAV: Differentiable and accelerated spherical wavelets

S2WAV is a JAX package for computing wavelet transforms on the sphere and rotation group. It leverages autodiff to provide …

SIC: Sparse inpainting code

SIC provides functionality to sparsely inpaint masked CMB maps.

SILC: Scale-discretised directional wavelet ILC

SILC provides functionality to perform a novel internal linear combination (ILC) algorithm for foreground separation using directional, …

snmachine: Classifying supernovae light curves

Classify supernovae based on their photometric light curves.

SO3: Fast Wigner transforms on the rotation group

The SO3 code provides functionality to perform fast and exact Wigner transforms on the rotation group.

SOPT: Sparse optimisation

SOPT provides functionality to perform sparse optimisation using state-of-the-art convex optimisation algorithms.

SSHT: Spin spherical harmonic transforms

SSHT provides functionality to perform fast and exact spin spherical harmonic transforms based on the sampling theorem on the sphere …

SZIP: Data compression on the sphere

SZIP provides functionality to compress data defined on the sphere.